Sit Tight While We Come up with Some Niches

Seconds until the list is ready
<strong>1. womens motorcycle helmets</strong><br> <strong>2. fishermans supply</strong><br> <strong>3. stroller carseat combo</strong><br> <strong>4. biometric gun safes</strong><br> <strong>5. stone fountain</strong><br> <strong>6. modern dining table</strong><br> <strong>7. emergency backpack</strong><br> <strong>8. motorcycle jackets</strong><br> <strong>9. hydroponic grow system</strong><br> <strong>10. snap and go stroller</strong>

The Right Way to Use our Tool

To use the tool above, follow these instructions.

  1. Wait a few seconds for the product ideas to generate. Once the ideas come up, write down any that seem interesting. Take time to really think about each one.
  2. Once you have written down any ideas you liked, click the “Do It Again” button for a new list of ideas. Repeat this until you have 2-5 product ideas that you have written down. 
  3. Once you have written down 2-5 product ideas, STOP. Then pick your favorite idea from your list. of 2-5 ideas. and let your coach know which idea you want to go with.

The entire exercise of deciding on your niche should take less than 10 minutes. If you spend more time than this, YOU ARE OVER THINKING THIS.

We achieve success through action and not through indecision. Enjoy the tool!